scroll: 2002-05
Dutch floral borders
Recipient: Aleksandr
Mikhail Evgenevich Sviatoslavin vnuk, Award of Arms (backlog)
Awarded: May 18th, AS 31 - Boredom War, Shire of Quintavia (East
Exemplar: The Hours of Catherine of Cleves
(New York: Pierpont Morgan Library, Mss. 917 and 945).
Taken from: The Hours of Catherine of Cleves,
John Plummer (George Braziller, 1986) |

folios 1v-3r

folios 3v-5r

folios 5v-7r

folios; cover & binding

exemplar for folios
M. 945, fol. 70

exemplar for folios 4v-5r
M. 917, p. 321

exemplar for folios 5v-6r
M. 917, p. 149

exemplar for folios 6v-7r
M. 917, p. 277