scroll: 2007-01
Hand-bound booklet with 15th
English text and inital pages, with a frontispiece of a Flemish border
and Spanish miniature, and with fingerloop braiding samples
Recipient: Rhiannon y bwa
January 13, 2007 -
Twelfth Night, Shire of Hartsone
BL Harley MS 2320, folio 52r (text pages and initial), mid-15th century
Isabella Breviary, BL Add. MS 18851, folio 81v? (frontispiece border),
late 15th century
The Borja Virgin and Child altar piece (frontispiece miniature), 1465
Harley MS: photograph of folio 52r purchased directly from the British
Isabella Breviary: scan provided by Mistress Rhiannon, probably from
Janet Backhouse, The Isabella
Breviary (London: British Library, 199)
Borja Virgen: photograph purchased directly from Institut
Amatller d´Art Hispànic, Barcelona, Spain
Pages: Pergamenata paper,
Oak Gall Ink penned with hand cut quills, Winsor-Newton Gouche, 23.75 karat shell gold
Fingerloop braids: DMC rayon floss
Binding: Davey board, Lineco Superior book cloth, Neutral Ph PVA
(Lineco), grosgrain ribbon
Alheydis's Boke of Secrets: Fingerloop
Detailed instructions on how to produce the braids from this booklet
From Atelier to Adobe
Ice Dragon research paper detailing the research and production process
of making this booklet. (PDF file)

The frontispiece, with the over-sized folio 8
extending to the right holding the fingerloop braid samples. |